
Error Messages

Here we list the most common errors you might encounter, along with a brief explanation of each.

400 - Bad Request

There is something wrong with the request you sent. There could be a problem with the formatting or spelling, or with the path or value. Below are some example responses you might see with this error:

Response Explanation Solution
The EXAMPLE field is required. A required field is missing or blank. Include the required field and provide a value (not null or blank).
The value 'EXAMPLE' is invalid for target location. The value is not the right data type or exceeds the limit for this field. Check out the fields and data types. Make sure you have provided a value of the correct data type within the limit for that field.
The field EXAMPLE must be a string with a maximum length of X. The value exceeds the limit for this field. Check out the fields and data types. Make sure you have provided a value within the limit for that field.
The target location specified by the path segment 'EXAMPLE' was not found. The path does not exist. Check the reference to make sure the path exists. Check your spelling.
Invalid JsonPatch operation 'EXAMPLE'. An invalid "op" was used in a PATCH. Check the valid JsonPatch operations. Use one of them for your "op" value.
Cannot use a previous date for the release month and year. This is a release date limitation to protect the legality of the request. Make sure the release month and year together represent a future date and try again.
The release month cannot be the current month when the current date is the 20th of the month or later. This is a release date limitation to protect the legality of the request. Change the release month to next month and try again.
The song data cannot be edited after the request has been linked to a song in our database. This is an updating limitation to protect the integrity of song data in our database. Note that song changes are not allowed once the request has been researched by our experts and linked to a song in our database. If you have special cases or concerns, create a wall post or contact us.
The album/track/release data cannot be edited when any request status on the album/track/release is 'EXAMPLE'. This is an updating limitation to protect the legality of the request. Note that some changes are not allowed after licensing has begun. Review the request statuses and the "CanEdit" values for details. If you have special cases or concerns, create a wall post or contact us.
The album/track/release data cannot be edited after any request on the album/track/release has an NOI sent. This is an updating limitation to protect the legality of the request. Note that some changes are not allowed after licensing has begun. If you have special cases or concerns, create a wall post or contact us.
The album/track/release data cannot be edited after any request on the album/track/release has a client paid royalty above 0. This is an updating limitation to protect the legality of the request. Note that some changes are not allowed after licensing has begun. If you have special cases or concerns, create a wall post or contact us.

401 - Unauthorized

You could not be identified as an API user. If you see this in the Swagger UI test environment, you need to authorize your session as explained here. In production, this indicates that there is a problem in the header of your request. Perhaps the API key is missing or something is not formatted right. Instructions for constructing your header can be found in our article on basic integration.

404 - Not Found

The resource you tried to access does not exist. There could be a problem with the unique ID used in the URL (for example the wrong track ID was referenced), the formatting or spelling in the request, or perhaps you tried to access a resource or field that was moved or deleted.

500 - Internal Server Error

There was a problem on our end. Please contact us if you get this error.

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