
Play with the Easy Song API

Play with the API before writing any code. View resources, make requests, and see what data is returned.

To play, follow these steps:
  1. Create an account or sign in.
  2. Note - One account is used for all Easy Song domains and subdomains.
  3. To be eligible for an API Key (required for play), you'll need to belong to one of our partner organizations. Check with your organization to make sure it has partnered with Easy Song. Not a partner yet? Sign up here.
  4. After you have confirmed that your organization is a partner of Easy Song, click here to request an API Key.
  5. Open Swagger UI and click "Authorize" at the top-right.
  6. Enter the word "bearer" followed by a single space, then your API Key, and click "Authorize".
  7. Once authenticated, you will be free to make requests from within the Swagger UI interface.
Warning - This is not a test database. Actions taken in Swagger UI will affect account data.
Note - Swagger UI is the tool we use for both reference (viewing the API) and play (making authenticated test calls using your API Key). You can view the reference anytime, but to play you will need an API Key.
Request an API Key Play in Swagger UI